Saturday, 30 October 2010

PeNtiNgNya MuHaSaBaH DiRi

Ingatan ini untuk diri sendiri juga dan yang lain-lain!!!

 Kehidupan harian umat Islam tidak boleh lari daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang tidak baik. Ketelanjuran dan kecelaruan dalam hidup umat Islam ini boleh dibaiki dengan membanyakkan memohon ampun kepada Alah. Dalam kehidupan yang sentiasa bergaul dengan orang lain dalam masyarakat yang serba majmuk dan kompleks ini tentulah tidak boleh lari daripada melakukan pekerti yang tidak disenangi. Oleh itu perlulah sentiasa menghisab diri setiap hari sebelum tidur. Tanyalah diri apakah yang telah dilakukan sepanjang hari. Kebaikan atau keburukankah yang telah dilakukan.

Sabda Rasulullah yang bermaksud: :
"Buatlah perhitungan ke atas dirimu sebelum kamu dihitung di akhirat"

Perkara-perkara yang perlu dihitung pada setiap malam sebelum tidur ialah seperti:

Apakah keburukan yang paling besar yang telah dilakukan sepanjang siang tadi
     a.Berapa orang anak yatim dan fakir miskin yang telah diberi makan sepanjang hari 
     b.Adakah telah menziarah sahabat dan keluarga yang sakit   
   c.Berapa banyak derma telah dihulurkan sepanjang hari  
    d.Telah sempurnakah solat lima wakt   
   e.Ibu bapa telah diziarahi atau telah dilupakan  
    f.Apakah keluarga sendiri telah diberi nasihat   
   g.Adakah kemaafan telah diminta kepada anak isteri
      h.Adakah kemaafan telah diberi kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat   
   i.Sudahkah bertaubat atas kesalahan yang telah dilakukan sepanjang hari     
 j.Siapakah sahabat handai yang telah diaibkan pada siang tadi    
  k.Adakah diri merasakan lebih hebat dari orang lain pada hari itu

Sabda Rasulullah yang bermaksud:
"Jika kamu mahu menyebut keaiban orang lain maka ingatkanlah lebih dahulu keaiban dirimu sendiri"


Semua umat Islam itu bersaudara. Persaudaraan itu satu nikmat yang diberi oleh Allah untuk menguji kekuatan dan kelemahan umat Islam.

Firman Allah yang bermaksud:
"Dan berpeganglah kamu semua dengan tali Allah , yakni agama Islam dan janganlah kamu bercerai-berai. Dan ingatlah akan nikmat Allah kepadamu dahulu, yakni di masa jahiliyah ketika kamu bermusuh-musuh maka Allah menjinakkan di antara hati kamu lalu jadilah kamu kerana nikmah Allah itu orang-orang yang bersaudara"

Justeru itu tidaklah munasabah umat Islam yang berada dalam satu qariah yang subur dan jinak ini membenci satu sama lain, lantaran berlainan kehendak dan fahaman. Persaudaraan itu satu limpah kurnia Allah yang tidak tertanding nilainya. Jadi sama-samalah umat Islam itu memupuk persaudaraan sesama Islam . Firman Allah dalam surah Al-Anfal ayat 63 yang bermaksud: "Dialah yang mempersatukan hari orang-orang yang beriman walaupun kamu membelanjakan semua kekayaan yang ada di bumi nesacaya kamu tidak akan dapat mempesatukan hati mereka akan tetapi Allah telah mempersatukan hati mereka.
Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Bijaksana." Oleh itu persaudaraan dalam Islam adalah berteraskan kepada: dibina atas asas yang ikhlas kepada Allah

     a.dibina berasaskan kepada iman dan taqwa    
  b.berlandaskan syariat Islam   
   c.dilaksanakan berlandaskan nasihat 
     d.bersendikan masa senang dan masa susah  
    e.bersalam semasa beertemu dan berpisah   
   f.kewujudan kemesraan, kasih sayang dan saling bantu membantu   
   g.tunjukkan sikap gembira, manis muka dan berhati mulia
      h.merendahkan diri dan tidak berlagak sombong     
 i.memenuhi janji apabila berjanji 
     j.menutup keaiban saudaranya     
k.menjaga kehormatan saudaranya    
  l.jangan hasad dengki dan bermusuhan.


Munusia hidup untuk berbakti kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Manusia juga perlu berbakti kepada sesama insan yang hidup di muka bumi ini. Manusia juga boleh berbakti kepada haiwan dan makhluk yang ghaib seperti malaikat dan jin. Hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad dan Baihaqi bermaksud, "Aku Rasulullah diutus untuk menyempurnakan budi pekerti yang luhur." Rasulullah tidak pernah mengherdik atau membentak, tidak pernah memarahi wahabat-sahabat yang tersilap mengerjakan sesuatu melainkan menasihati dengan cara yang sebaik mungkin. Ini bertepatan dengan hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud yang bermaksud, "Sesungguhnya seseorang mu`min dengan kebaikan budi pekerti akan mencapai tingkat mendapatkan pahala orang berpuasa lagi ahli ibadah (khusus solat pada waktu malam hari)." Oleh itu didiklah anak supaya mempunyai Budi pekerti yang mulia, bersopan santun , menghormati orang tua dan gurunya, suntiasa ingat diri dan tidak sombong apabila telah mencapai kejayaan yang diberi oleh Allah.


Dalam kehidupan manusia tidak boleh lari daripada mengamalkan kesopanan dan kekasaran dalam pergaulan sehariannya. Islam menunjukkan jalan yang betul bagaimana kesopanan dalam hidup ini mengambil peranan. "Sesungguhnya diantara kewajiban orang tua terhadap anaknya adalah memberi pelajaran seperti mengajar menulis, memberi nama yang baik dan menikahkan di kala anak sudah cukup umur dewasa atau baligh" Riwayat Bukhari.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Biography-Maher Zain...

Maher Zain (born 1982) is a Swedish singer and music producer of Lebanese origin. His first album 'Thank You Allah' of 13 tracks and two bonus songs was released on 1 November 2009. His music videos on Youtube has collectively gained more than 4 million of views.


Early life

Maher Zain was born on 1981 in Lebanon. His family moved to Sweden when Maher was only eight, where he continued his schooling. Maher got his first keyboard when he was only ten. He later entered university and got a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering.  During his teenage years, he like to spend late nights at school with his friends where they would sing, rap, compose and experiment with music in every way.


After being involved for a while in the music scene as a music producer, Maher was introduced to RedOne, a music producer in the music scene in Sweden. Maher started working with RedOne and later moved to New York. In January 2009, Maher Zain began work on an album and signed with Awakening Records. Maher’s first musical inspiration came from his father, who was a singer himself, performing locally in the Mediterranean city of Tripoli, Lebanon.
Maher has been on the bill of a free concert in Bahrain, and also at the Spring concert in the American University in Cairo, Egypt


Best Religious Song for 2009 from Nujoom FM (Egypt’s biggest music radion station) for ‘Ya Nabi Salam Alayka'

Thank You Allah (2009–now)

Thank You Allah was released on 1 November 2009.

Track listing

1."Always Be There"  4:38
2."Ya Nabi Salam Alayka"  4:59
3."Insha Allah"  4:31
4."Palestine Will Be Free"  4:55
5."Thank You Allah"  5:31
6."Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (feat. Irfan Makki)"  5:14
7."The Chosen One"  3:54
8."Baraka Allahu Lakuma"  4:30
9."For the Rest of My Life"  3:54
10."Hold My Hand"  4:06
11."Awaken"  3:43
12."Subhana Allah (feat. Mesut Kurtis)"  4:55
13."Open Your Eyes"  4:26
14."Ya Nabi (Arabic Version – Bonus Track)"  4:59
15."Thank You Allah (Acoustic Version – Bonus Track)"  5:28

One of his songs that I love to hear is:


1) Definition of Ukhwah

-In your opinion, what is ukhwah?

2) Importance of ukhwah

  • Why is ukhwah extremely important in Rasulullah's (s.a.w.) community? Why is ukhwah a big deal in Islam?
  • How did the Muslims emerged victorious in the Battle of Badr despite having a contigent of only 300 fighting against 1000?
  • How is the Malay peribahasa : "Bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh" (United we stand, divided we fall) related to ukhwah?
  • eg: Soccer is a game of 11 people. Can we win with only 1 player?

3) Surah As-Saff, 4th Verse:

Lo! Allah loveth them who battle for His cause in ranks, as if they were a solid structure.
Sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berperang untuk membela agamaNya, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi, seolah-olah mereka sebuah bangunan yang tersusun kukuh.

4) How to establish and strengthen ukhwah

a) Within Family

Common challenges faced:

  • no time to spend with family
  • lack of sense of belonging in the family due to problems such as family breakdown which tends to lead to a larger social problem
It's natural for humans to want to lead a happier life

Opportunities in which you can strengthen family ties:
  • Weddings
  • Death of a family member
  • Kenduri
b) Within the Community
  • Get to know your neighbours
  • Be involved with the community
  • Be aware of the people around you
  • Relations with non-Muslims

c) Within Friends
  • When you meet them, the most basic recommended thing to do: give Salam and shake hands
  • As a Muslim, you can help other Muslims gain entry into Heaven
  • Provide food, help each other out
  • Solat in Jemaah
5) Taking other people's feelings into consideration

Story quoted: The slander against 'Aisyah r.a.

The infamous story of the slander of 'Aisyah ra after the expedition against Bani Mustaliq where she went to answer the call of nature while the army momentarily halted. Her return to rejoin the army procession was delayed because she misplaced her necklace.

Upon her return, the army had already left, leaving her alone in the middle of the barren desert. Thankfully, a companion fron the Muhajirins stumbled upon her and brought her along on his camel. However, the hypocrites began to create slander which caused much hurt for Rasulullah saw and 'Aisyah ra. 'Aisyah protested her innocence and eventually fell ill. She went back to her father, Abu Bakr ra, while Rasulullah saw waited for divine revelation which came to acquit 'Aisyah from the malicious slander.
[ Summarized from Raheeq al-Makhtoum ]

The above narration illustrates the seriousness of slander and how much it affected Rasulullah saw and 'Aisyah ra.

Has it ever crossed your mind:
- One of the ways to maintain the ukhwah is to be aware of the way we speak. You have to know how to take other people's feelings into consideration before speaking.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Husnuzon, and The Way Will be shown

I want to share a story about one of my friend, she's been practicing Law Of Attraction for almost two month before this scenario took place. Recently, she had to fly to oversea for a few days for some reason. Her flight will be departure most probably at 8.00 pm and she have to be there at least one hour before departure. She have already make a preparation a day before, packing up everything, and on that day, her relative sent her to airport in the afternoon. I received her call when she was on her way to the airport.

My Friend : Everything turn upside down! Why this thing happen? even i have focus and give commitment to make everything smooth! What's wrong with my focus? Did i make something wrong?

Me: Why? What happen, be cool..

My friend : Firstly, Only after we past the toll, i realize that i am wearing my old garbage shoes! I have bought a new shoes for this event, but i forgot that I have left it home! I got into the car without changing my shoes!

Me: what? Hahaha...

My friend : Secondly, its my bag! i can't pull the zip! I got a lot of stuff to bring! and i don't wanna leave any single of it...i think now its more than my weight excess limit..may be i have to pay extra for the excess...

Me: (speechless).. Control your emotion..

My Friend : And for my bonus, why must this thing came to me at this moment? Its not the time yet, It should be another week! Do you understand what i mean?

Me: No..I don't

My Friend : I mean menstrual period lol!..its not the time yet!..

Me : owh..sorry...Ok..Ok..can you please calm down? and take a deep breath? And pray to Allah

My Friend : I'm trying..but I'm really frust..anyway thanks for your advice..the phone line is not so good, your voice is breaking up...

and the line cut....and what I can do is to pray for her, may Allah ease her on every situation.
And that night, just a few minute before her flight departure, I got a text message from her..

Hi there, everything is just fine...

1. About my shoes, my dad just bought for me an expensive branded shoes at the airport and Its one of my dream shoes.

2. He also bought me a bigger baggage, only after that we realize that my small bag is only for 3kg. So, after changing the baggage, all my stuff is still below the excess limit.

3. Because of the menstrual period, I don't have to worried about my solat, either to jama' or qasar, God ease me and helped me a lot! Syukur Alhamdulillah. Ok, see you then, and thanks.

So, there is always a good reason and explanation beyond everything that we assume as a bad luck. Be positive, Husnuzhon, and we will be shown..

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

65:2 With that is admonished he who believes in Allah and the Latter Day. And whoever keeps his duty to Allah, He ordains a way out for him,

65:3 And gives him sustenance from whence he imagines not. And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him. Surely Allah attains His purpose. Allah indeed has appointed a measure for everything.

(At-Talaq : 2,3)